~$ whoami

~$ Igor Tovstopyat-Nelip

~$ ls

~$ RESUME links profile skills

~$ cat profile

~$ Lead Software Engineer, Staff Software Engineer, Application Architect (hands-on).
   JVM languages and frameworks with focus on functional programming.
   Web, distributed and event-driven systems. Data processing.
   Relational and non-relational datastores.
   Strong analytical and data skills.

~$ cat skills

~$ Scala, Haskell, Clojure, Kotlin, Java, Python, Bash, some Javascript.
   Functional Programming.
   Typelevel stack: Cats, Cats-Effect, fs2, Http4s, Circe, Doobie, etc.
   Play, Akka, Finagle, Ring, Spark, Kafka, Spring, JEE stuff.
   Postgres, MySql, Mongo, Oracle, others.
   Docker, K8S, distributed systems, cloud.
   Strong analytical and data level skills.

~$ cat links

~$ github  igor.tn@gmail.com  linkedin